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Sep 2022

  • Seminar
11. September 2022, 16:00
With Paula Schopf, Frau Fisch, Dornika, Carla J. Meier and Moderator: Jeremy Woodruff Now that sound art has become mainstream, we are witnessing a large revival of mixing sound art concepts with pop. How do experiments with sound enter into various pop artist’s work? And how perhaps, is sound art itself breaking out of traditional models using pop-like methods?
  • Workshop
10. September 2022, 16:00
Dieser Workshop bietet eine experimentelle- praktische Einführung in die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten des Klangs, Field Recording und Sampling
  • Performance
9. September 2022 – 11. September 2022
The Berlin School of Sound’s SOUNDS POP festival is a 3-day festival featuring both new generation and developing artists in the Berlin pop scene, including concerts and performances, a radio show, a workshop, and a panel. It will also include a small marketplace area with food stands and pop-up shops!
  • Performance
6. September 2022 – 6. December 2022
Bei den transkulturellen Ensemble-Konzerten unter dem Titel Sonic Borderlines wird nach einer internationalen und dekolonisierten historischen Aufführungspraxis gesucht. Die radikal kuratierten Abende bringen Musiker:innen mit den unterschiedlichsten Backgrounds zusammen, wie arabische und aserbaidschanische Klassik und Musik aus dem europäischen Mittelalter und der Renaissance.

Aug 2022

  • Seminar
29. August 2022, 19:30
The Auditory Setting: Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press)  Sound Practices in the Global South: Co-listening to Resounding Plurilogues (London: Palgrave Macmillan)
  • Performance
28. August 2022, 19:30
Spontaneous compositions with graphic notation and images that provoke music and imaginary short stories with built bowed, plucked, wind, percussive, micro-tonal and tuned instruments
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