A Mentorship Program

The Berlin School of Sound offers an education in sound art, sound design, music composition, audio production and other related skills through courses given at different times throughout the year. Many of our teachers are experienced professors and renowned artists from the incredibly vibrant Berlin culture landscape. We can give you the training you need in media and artistic production in sound in order to reach your goals whatever your background, produce work you love, and have an inspiring exchange of ideas along the way. We can also help you gain the knowledge and make connections you need to enter a professional career track without cumbersome academic rigamarole.

Workshops, Seminars and Courses on a practice-based Program

Our 1 to 2-week workshops and seminars and our intensive 8-week courses run throughout most of the year, primarily with classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. Key skill areas include basic tools of sound, sound art and sound studies, analog synthesis, programming and digital processing, AI music, spatial and site-specific audio, composition, audio production and transcultural sound practices.

Monthly performance showcases in the Acud Club

During the month(s) in which you are enrolled in a workshop, seminar or intensive course, you can present your work alongside that of other participants and our mentors in one of our monthly showcase evenings in the renowned Acud Club here in Berlin, Mitte. This is the core feature of our practice-based philosophy: make work you love as the focus of the courses, and perform/exhibit it for the public as soon as possible and regularly, in order to learn and grow artistically while part of a supportive community.

Studio Project Course and Diploma

After completing 42 workshop/seminar units (usually equals 21 weeks of study, and equivalent to a year of graduate work) you can sign up for our Studio Project Course utilizing our professional recording studio. Final work on the Studio Project Course is the criteria for the completion of our Diploma. In exceptional cases this structure may be changed to accommodate the experience level  or needs of a particular student. Please contact us to inquire.

The Studio Project Course includes private instruction with a mentor, the creation of your own artistic support group, project work in our professional recording studio and performances/installations in the Acud Club Room. Your work can also be showcased at an event at the Errant Sound art gallery and you can have the opportunity to produce a show for our radio program with Colaboradio on FRBB 88.4. The Studio Project Course is designed to launch your artistic career by gaining access to prestigious institutions with an impressive portfolio.

Since we have relationships with other university, residency, performance and art institutions in Berlin and beyond, both our class-based or individual-based tuition can be specifically geared towards goals like getting you ready for application tests at institutions like the UdK Berlin, or a funded Ph.D. program in the USA, or alternatively by giving you the know-how you require to apply for internships at galleries, project spaces, recording studios, production houses or participation in important festivals like Club Transmediale or others.


Currently in development, Ensembles will be inclusive with certain courses but open (after an interview and acceptance process) to participants from inside or outside the workshops, seminars and courses.

Courses 2024 Courses 2024 Courses 2024 Courses 2024 Courses 2024 Courses 2024 Courses 2024

Generative Music Production in Max and Max-for-Live

June 24th – August 2nd

Modular Synthesis for Live Performance and Sound Design

May 5th – June 30th

Interdisciplinary Audio Production: Professional Sound in Context,
March 4th – May 5th

Ktonal is: Antoine Daurat, Bjoern Erlach, Roberto Fausti, Genoël von Lilienstern and Dohi Moon

Our program of workshops, seminars and courses are currently in the process of getting an update but are organized into the following tracks:

Workshops and Seminars Workshops and Seminars Workshops and Seminars Workshops and Seminars Workshops and Seminars

  • Course
  • Workshop
24. June 2024 – 2. August 2024, 18:00
Explore the limitless possibilities of generative music production using the dynamic duo of Max and Max-for-Live! This course is designed for artists, musicians, producers, and sound enthusiasts looking to push the boundaries of creativity and harness the potential of generative musical techniques in their art.

Ensembles and Clubs Ensembles and Clubs Ensembles and Clubs Ensembles and Clubs Ensembles and Clubs

Networked Systems Ensemble

Starting 2023

Indian Music Transformation course from Music Temple

Starting 2024

Individual Tutorials

Enroll for a semester of individual tuition with these, and other scholars and artists:

Sound Art, Music Theory and Composition
Sound Synthesis and Spatial Art

Tuition fees

Coached Ensembles120€ per month
Courses*from 1050€ per course
Studio Project course (includes project work in the recording studio)please get in touch with us!
Individual Tutorials (90 minutes)160€ per session or 600€ per month for weekly mentorship
Workshops, Seminars and Guest Talksindividually priced (see events page)

*variates depending on teachers and guests involved and workshops or masterclasses offered!