Drawing from her book ‘Atmospheric Noise: The Indefinite Urbanism of Los Angeles’, Marina Peterson discusses how listening to airport noise is a way of attuning to the atmospheric – to that which is ephemeral, to dynamic relationships between forms of matter, to the indeterminacy of forms and concepts.
Event Category: Seminar
Les Sirènes – Public Soundings. (artist talks curated by Alessandra Eramo) Mattin and Ariel William Orah
The musician, performance artist and noise theorist Mattin will talk about his new book Social Dissonance, published by Urbanomic, including a performative interaction with the audience. Ariel William Orah is a Berlin-based Indonesian artist who explores themes related to identity, memory, and scarcity.He will talk about “Performative Kinship”: past, present, and future socially engaged art creation process and discourse.
What Can We Do? Artists on the move in the time of crisis, hosted by Hanna Grzeskiewicz and Marc Sabat
A meeting for newly arrived artists and scholars who work with sound in any way.
Open to artists and scholars who have recently arrived in Berlin from anywhere affected by crisis and who want to get to know the Berlin cultural scene.
The meeting is also open to Berlin-based practitioners who would like to build an event series and support network.
Click for full description: What can we do?
Les Sirènes-Public Soundings (artist talks curated by Alessandra Eramo) Jasmina Al-Qaisi and Evgenija Wassilew
Happy Mother’s Day! Radio artist/performer Jasmina Al-Qaisi
and sound artist Evgenija Wassilew will talk about their unique experiences
with grandma technologies, singing mice, and the potential of failure…
Les Sirènes – Public Soundings promotes the production of critical dialogue and theory about sound within the artistic field
AUDIO LEAKAGE: Day-Workshop and Colloquium with Budhaditya Chattopadhyay and Audio Leakage Community
Day-long Workshop and Colloquium with Budhaditya Chattopadhyay and the Audio Leakage Community
1. Budhaditya Chattopadhyay
2. Bojana S. Knežević
3. Luca Forcucci
4. Franziska Windisch
5. Pit Przygodda
6. David Helbich
7. Yati Durant
Open discussions with the presenters, participants and audience and jam session
Exhale[s] at Errant Sound and Breaths/LP/Deaths at Acud – Final presentations – July 2022
Culminating event of Practice-Based Sound Studies for Installation and Performance, Module 2, Berlin School of Sound, June – July 2022 at Errant Sound project room and at Acud
SOUNDINGS – Assemblies of Listenings and Voices Across the Souths
Was bedeuten Klänge und der Begriff der Musik für jene Musiker*innen, Klangkünstler*innen und Denker*innen, die ihre Tradition, Kultur oder Weltanschauung nicht in den global dominierenden eurozentrischen künstlerischen und intellektuellen Klang- und Musikpraktiken wiedererkennen?
Budhaditya Chattopadhyay: newly published editions
The Auditory Setting: Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press)
Sound Practices in the Global South: Co-listening to Resounding Plurilogues (London: Palgrave Macmillan)
Pop Music on the Border to Sound Art: Sounds Pop panel discussion
With Paula Schopf, Frau Fisch, Dornika, Carla J. Meier and
Moderator: Jeremy Woodruff
Now that sound art has become mainstream, we are witnessing a large revival of mixing sound art concepts with pop. How do experiments with sound enter into various pop artist’s work? And how perhaps, is sound art itself breaking out of traditional models using pop-like methods?
Intonation, Psychoacoustics, Sound, Composition with Marc Sabat
In this workshop, participants are invited to explore the basic phenomena of psychoacoustics and intonation and to develop individual creative projects experimenting with their manifestations in any form.