Ken Ueno: Person Specificity and Physiovalence: A Personal Performance Practice

  • Workshop
14. December 2022, 17:00

Noting how Western European classical music values are entrenched exnominatively in music pedagogy in the United States, composer, vocalist, and artist Ken Ueno moves toward creating a personal practice that seeks to “uncorset” musical practice and, by extension, claim artistic agency for those who do not belong to the dominant culture in this artist talk and presentation.

Professor at UC Berkeley, Rome Prize and Berlin Prize winner Ueno ( is a composer, vocalist, and sound artist whose music has been performed at venues and festivals around the world. Ueno holds a PhD from Harvard University, and his biography appears in The Grove Dictionary of American Music.

14. December 2022, 17:00
Entrance free
Veteranenstrasse 21
10119 Berlin

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Explore the limitless possibilities of generative music production using the dynamic duo of Max and Max-for-Live! This course is designed for artists, musicians, producers, and sound enthusiasts looking to push the boundaries of creativity and harness the potential of generative musical techniques in their art.

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