ØSAW – Ocean Soundscape Awareness with Francisca Rocha Gonçalves

  • Workshop
28. November 2021, 19:30
28. November 2021, 19:30

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Veteranenstrasse 21
10119 Berlin

Acoustic ecology and ecoacoustics can be powerful tools to develop artistic approaches towards nature-connectedness. ØSAW details practice-based research on ecoacoustics, underwater soundscapes and anthropogenic noise. It explores creative strategies to the introduction, experience and performance of ocean soundscapes in artistic creation. As aquatic soundscapes are increasingly a topic of concern globally, they become crucial to fostering an emotional affinity between people and natural environments. By addressing biological processes as a creative resource to intervene in underwater noise dialogue, including topics such as vibration and particle motion, one can reveal hidden qualities of vibroacoustic ecology. The core message is connecting people and nature through soundscapes, while raising awareness about anthropogenic noise pollution.

SINØ III – Improvisations with Water

SINØ III is an audiovisual live performance that explores the sonic and visual capabilities of the medium water. From micro to macro dimensions, water and underwater soundscapes are explored in a dialogue with laser projections revealing intersections within nature, science, art and technology.

The sound input is from hydrophones and contact microphones paired with previous recorded soundscapes with anthropogenic interference. An exploration of underwater sounds, noise, and vibration that merges with synthesised sound turns into a soundscape of randomness, immersion and fluidity. SINØ III proposes a narrative from the real to the abstract with sound algorithms, visual textures and light design, creating an immersive environment for the audience. The AV performance is composed of real-time sound with audio-reactive visuals. The main goal is to explore the potential of underwater soundscapes while creating spatial experiences to enhance social connections to nature. It aims at reconnecting people and natural environments, by exploring their influence in the consciousness of our body, mind and its dislocation. It offers a place for subaquatic attunement and connection to the senses. The idea is to offer a personal journey of immersion and connection with the self.

Francisca Rocha Gonçalves is a researcher and sound artist from Porto. She started her career in music as a classical piano player. She has a background in biological sciences with a degree in veterinary medicine from ICBAS (University of Porto) and a multimedia master in interactive music and sound design from FEUP (University of Porto).

Combining her interests in sound, technology, art and science, she aims to raise environmental awareness through artistic practices and sound art. She developed a great passion for biology and music that led her to a demand to find synergies between nature and sound. In 2017, she enrolled in a Digital Media PhD at FEUP (University of Porto) under the program UT Austin | Portugal CoLab.

She focuses on acoustic ecology as a tool for environmental awareness concerning the ocean soundscape. Developing artistic artefacts that reveal the problem of noise pollution in underwater environments is possible to understand changes in vibration and particle motion, both vital components in aquatic life.

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